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Author: aya

Visit the Best Hospital In Zayed if you suffer from Heart Failure

Heart failure is a long-term condition in which the heart is unable to properly pump blood throughout the body. Although heart failure cannot usually be cured, cardiologists at the Best Hospital In Zayed can often manage the symptoms for years. Symptoms of heart failure Cardiologists at the Best Hospital In Zayed say that one of the most dangerous things about heart failure is that you may not know you have it. Symptoms of...

Global Care Hospital – Nutrition Clinic Services

Nutrition is a fundamental pillar of human life. The study of nutrients in food. And how humans use them. From the earliest stages of fetal development, at birth, through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood and old age, proper food and good nutrition are essential for survival.   The Nutrition Clinic at Global Care Hospital provides healthy nutritional programs and therapeutic nutrition systems for all cases of eating disorders, weight, and other conditions...

Best Hospital In Zayed

Global Care Hospital is the best hospital in Zayed because it provides medical care following international standards and high-quality services, leading quality and safest health care providers in Zayed. The hospital is well-known for its general surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynaecology, dental surgery, orthopaedics departments, and all other medical services.   Highest quality care with the best medical team   To be the best hospital in Zayed, it was necessary to have the best...

Chronic Diseases and Lifestyle

Chronic diseases are conditions that last for three months or longer and may get more severe over time and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living, or both. A shortlist of risk behaviors causes many chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Global Care Hospital advises you to adhere to a healthy lifestyle to avoid many chronic diseases.   Diabetes  Diabetes means you have a higher than ordinary blood sugar...

We Care When You Need

When you are admitted to Global Care Hospital for treatment or observation, whether for a single night or an extended stay, you are considered an "inpatient."   Global Care Hospital provides treatment for a wide range of medical conditions as well as post-surgery care. Our professional and sympathetic medical, nursing, and support team will make your stay as beneficial, enjoyable, and comfortable as possible, no matter how long or short it is.   What...

Keep Your Hearts Safe

Pregnancy puts a woman's body under stress, affecting her heart's health. Pregnancy changes the pregnant woman's blood circulation and increases blood volume to assist the fetus to grow, raising the heart rate and hence the pumping of blood.   Giving birth adds to the pressure and strain on the heart because blood pressure and flow alter during labour, especially as the woman pushes the baby out. And it may take several weeks...

عملية زراعة الشعر في مصر | التقنيات والأسعار والعروض

عملية زراعة الشعر في مصر تُعَدُّ من العمليات التجميلية التي يلجأ إليها لعلاج الصلع الوراثي. تختلف تكلفة زراعة الشعر من مركز إلى آخر وتعود هذه الاختلافات إلى العديد من العوامل. إذا كنت ترغب في معرفة العوامل التي تؤثر في تحديد تكلفة الزراعة وأسعارها في مختلف البلدان مثل مصر والسعودية والإمارات والمملكة المتحدة وغيرها، يُرجى قراءة هذا المقال بعناية. عملية زراعة الشعر الطبيعي في مصر عملية زراعة الشعر الطبيعي في مصر هي إجراء...

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