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Global Care Hospital  >  Dentistry   >  What is Otorhinolaryngology?

What is Otorhinolaryngology?


Otorhinolaryngology is a very important specialty in the medical field that includes many organs including head and neck parties such as ears, nose, and throat disease to be diagnosed and treated in the right way.

We can call it ENT surgeries too, whatever the name, this specialty is very important due to the wide range of diseases that can affect our ears, nose, or throat.

The doctor who manages conditions related to those parties or organs is called an Otorhinolaryngologist.

What does the Otorhinolaryngologist do?

ENT doctors and surgeons are playing an important role in diagnosing diseases related to many organs, not just one.

There are many diseases and conditions that can affect our nose, ears, and throat that need ENT surgeons to prescribe the right treatments for them.

Not only prescribe treatments and medications, but ENT surgeons should also be well trained to perform different needed procedures.

You have to choose a well-experienced doctor, to get the correct diagnosis.

Procedures are done by Otorhinolaryngologists

Well trained otorhinolaryngologists should know how to perform those procedures such as:

  • Endoscopic sinus surgery
  • Tympanomastoid surgery
  • Septoplasty
  • Oesophagoscopy
  • Tympanoplasty
  • Tonsillectomy

In general, otorhinolaryngologists should know how to use and perform minimally invasive procedures and how to use different equipment.

ENT common diseases

There are many different diseases and conditions can affect our nose, ears, and throat, we can mention some of the common disorders such as:


Chronic sinusitis

This condition happens due to infection or the sinuses lining swelling, you can feel the symptoms such as thick discharge from your nose, besides pain and problems in the smell and taste.

This condition causes the build-up of the mucus, if you find your condition doesn’t respond to treatment, you should visit the doctor.


Patients with tinnitus make them feel like there is a big noise in their ears and head, and it makes them feel uncomfortable, besides other symptoms such as hissing and ringing.

One of the common reasons behind the tinnitus is the damage of the hair cells that are located in the ear, or for other reasons such as age and loud noise exposure.

 Voice disorders

Sometimes we have different conditions that can affect our voices in a bad way, and cause some changes to the vocal cords, that’s why they don’t vibrate in a normal way.

There are many conditions can affect the voice such as:

  • Laryngitis
  • Spasmodic dysphonia
  • Vocal cord paresis

Some voice disorders can affect the voice and cause fatigue or in some cases, some people can lose their voice.

When you should visit ENT doctor?

You should know when you need to visit the doctor to diagnose the problem, check these conditions:

  • You have some issues with your balance.
  • Injury or pain to the throat, ears, or nose.
  • Tumour in your throat, nose, or your ears.
  • Feeling dizzy.
  • You notice there are problems in breathing.

In general, if you find yourself having sudden symptoms or don’t feel ok, and the symptoms don’t go away, don’t be late to consult your doctor.

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